
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Getting the streets plowed after the big storm.

Message from Mayor Tim O'Brien:

The historically large snowfall from the Blizzard of 2013 has made it very difficult for many cities and towns to clear snow from their roads.

In New Britain, city crews have been working around the clock, under difficult conditions, since during the storm, to clear the snow.

As of right now, it looks like city streets will be opened by snowplows sometime tomorrow (Sunday).

With the massive amount of snow, the clearing has been tough and slow-going. To get the city up and running, the city has been clearing the major roads first and working to the neighborhood streets.

The job is so large because of the historic snowfall that the city workers actually have to use payloaders in addition to plows to clear the large amount of snow.

And because there is so much snow to be removed, it is going to take time to completely clear the streets. It is a tough job, given how severe this storm was, and other cities and towns are experiencing similar challenges.

But city workers and I are working very hard to return things to normal.

I sincerely appreciate your understanding.